Environmental literacy and workforce skills in science, technology, law and policy, and other disciplines related to coastal resources are important to the populations that Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant serves. These skills advance cutting-edge research, promote sound resource management and maintain a globally competitive workforce.
The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program offers educational opportunities for law students in the field of ocean and coastal law. MASGLP supports law students through our summer research assistant program. Legal Program attorneys also teach environmental courses at the University of Mississippi School of Law.
Reaching outside of universities, the MASGLP offers tailor-made professional development workshops that bring up-to-date information to people who express a need for it. MASGLP routinely provides continuing education and professional training workshops for attorneys, planners, and floodplain managers.
The MASGLP also delivers up-to-date legal, regulatory, and policy information to coastal resource professionals through Water Log, a free quarterly legal newsletter.
Water Log is a quarterly publication reporting on legal issues affecting the Mississippi-Alabama coastal area. Its goal is to increase awareness and understanding of coastal issues in and around the Gulf of Mexico.
Stay current with the latest news and information from the MASGLP. Subscribe to our newsletter today!
Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program
256 Kinard Hall, Wing E
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677
Phone (662) 915-7775 • Fax (662) 915-5267