The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program aids communities along the coasts of Mississippi and Alabama by providing legal research and outreach for the following programs of the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium:
MASGLP provides legal research and outreach on all issues related to healthy coastal communities, issuing a quarterly publication, Water Log, on topics such as mariculture, fishery management, environmental justice, energy development, and stormwater management. We offer paid internships for two to four law students every year from the Alabama and Mississippi area.
MASGLP provides timely analysis and explanation of laws and regulations addressing habitat restoration and ecosystems such as invasive species, protected species, living shorelines, habitat restoration, and marine debris.
MASGLP helps communities by conducting legal research and outreach on issues such as land use planning, FEMA’s Community Rating System, green stormwater infrastructure, coastal resilience, and federal aid in response to natural and/or fishery resource disasters.
MASGLP helps commercial and recreational fishers by sharing specialized legal research and outreach on laws and regulations related to fishery management and mariculture/aquaculture, including advise on federal and state permitting.
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Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program
256 Kinard Hall, Wing E
P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677
Phone (662) 915-7775 • Fax (662) 915-5267